
Thinking of attending the NZFWDA AGM in Auckland this year?

February 12, 2020

The conference and annual meeting for 2020 will be held on Saturday 16 May in Auckland. The plan is to have discussion and presentations during the morning and the Annual General Meeting in the afternoon, concluding with a dinner that evening. The meeting venue is the Remuera Club, very close by the Ellerslie Racecourse and hotels adjacent to that. A discount deal has been agreed for NZFWDA meeting attendees and an accommodation landing page is ready for delegates to book their accommodation. Rates are valid from 15 May – 18 May 2020 for both hotels, if delegates wish to stay outside of these dates they will need to contact the reservation team directly on, quote “BGCI” For those wishing to get a bit dirty, a 4WD trip is being planned for the Sunday. Overall costing for the Saturday program has not been confirmed at the time of writing this.

This article was posted by Peter Vahry in Event news | General news | News (1615 reads)