Recreation Funding Consortium, and DOC Recreation Partnerships
August 21, 2014
21 August 2014
“Community Partnerships” and “Community Conservation Partnership Fund”.
Today I attended the quarterly DOC and NGO’s meeting (as a reminder, we are an NGO, non-Governmental organisation).
Community Partnerships.
Much discussion centred on the Community Partnerships and Relationships agreements. These partnerships are between DOC and your group or Club so that you can do work or projects and refer only to DOC managed land. The relationships agreements are a document that your Club or group can sign to become a partner in the project. There are two basic documents. Level one is basic clearing, planting, etc using probably non-motorised tools, maybe scrub cutters etc. This level may also make the partner eligible to be covered under DOC insurance policy. (Interesting to know how their policy would work like that). It is a one page document and you are in business with DOC. Level two is a bit more inclusive and maybe for using a digger or tractor type work, but still fairly simple.
I did talk to DOC about the need for NZFWDA to be audited, with emphasis on our insurance, structure, training, and safety procedures, to become an approved organisation so that any member Club can apply for a partnership without having to go through the same question and answer session every time. This idea was well received by the Community Partnership team who had not thought of that.
Important information for all Northern Zone Clubs.
The Community Partnerships Coodinator in Auckland is Chris Charles. and mobile 021911974
Community Conservation Partnership Fund
This is a fund set up by Conservation Minister for organisations such as NZFWDA to obtain funds for work associated with recreation projects. The criteria for the funds are that the work must be done on DOC land, must be for the common good (like clearing a blocked track), and is recreation based.
As there are a large number of outdoor recreation groups it has been decided to set up a consortium to administer the fund. The consortium is Deer Stalkers Assn, Federated Mountain Clubs, and Trail Fund NZ. This consortium is responsible for distribution, then the receiving of accounting and documentation to verify where the money went.
How does it work? The NZFWDA member Clubs can apply to this consortium for funds setting out the details as per the criteria described. Where is the track, what is the problem, who else uses the track, how much will it cost, and maybe your signed partnership agreement. Simple. They are not quite ready for applications yet but it is supposed to be in action in about 3 weeks.
I have created a good relationship with Bill O’Leary, National President of Deer Stalkers Assn. Bill is a significant voice on the funding consortium and is now a good friend for us at NZFWDA. Besides the funding consortium, Bill is keen to give information to us at NZFWDA re tracks that maybe are difficult or blocked for 4x4 vehicles, but with a little work we could use and open such tracks and so creating an advantage for the Deer Stalkers as well as ourselves.
Roger Seymour
National PRO