Quick update on the Executive changes from 2014 AGM and Conference
May 26, 2014
The following makes up the National Executive of the NZFWDA after the conference and AGM last weekend at Waipuna Hotel.
President Neville Dunton who lives in Bay of Plenty. Neville is not new to the Exec however as he is the immediate past Competitions Committee NCO.
Secretary/Treasurer is Wendy Johnston from Northern Zone. Wendy will be assisted by a paid accounting person.
Zone Presidents and Zone PRO's make up 6 more executive positions
National PRO Roger Seymour re elected
National Competitions Officer recently elected is Simon Bishop. He takes up another Executive position.
We said thankyou and goodbye to those standing down, Jenny Jordan, Kath Jaggard, Russell de Luca. Tony Burgess stood down as President but remains on Exec as Northern Zone PRO.